Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It is ALL about the money

2 entities. 2 Leagues of their own. 2 endless pits of money.

No we're not talking about Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, we're talking about Real Madrid and Abu Dhabi United, i mean Manchester City FC.

While one can't argue about the rich history and international appeal of Real Madrid, nor the fact that anyone who wears that jersey will be proud to wear it, one really doubts the credentials of players who go to the sky blue, but we'll come to that greedy lot later.

In 2006, Real Madrid had a net debt of 75-80 million pounds and many said the club is falling apart because of the famous Galacticos era of 2001-2005 which saw Zidane, Figo, Ronaldo and Beckham arrive at the club, following each other season after season!

Come 2009, Real Madrid have spent close to 2 and a half times that debt in 1 month on 6 players. But in 2001, Real Madrid had 270 million pounds from the sale of their training ground facilities as prime property. 170 million of that was used to service their debt.

But they don't have prime property that can be sold anymore. This money has been loaned by Caja Madrid and Banco Santander(secured by two unnamed assets) to Real Madrid who are now under a further debt of 200 million pounds within one month. Michel Platini was complaining about the huge debts of English clubs and the amount they spend on players, but he's mum on this issue when it comes to a club from Spain. A country whose national coach called Thierry Henry a 'black shit'. But that is an argument for another article.

So Real Madrid plunges into debt but gets 2 of 3 World Footballer of the Year candidates for the last 2 years in a span of 3 days. You can't question the commitment of these two boy wonders. Ronaldo has gone to his dream club, and Kaka could have gone to MCFC last season if it were for the money. But the financial muscle Real Madrid has undoubtedly shown is a cause of worry. In the given economic scenario, it is tough to imagine that any entity/entities has/have 200 million just lying around to back such ludicrous spending. Unless of course they own nearly fourth of the Oil produced in this world.

So let's get down to MCFC. Any player who says he is going there for
a) The History
b) A Fresh Challenge
c) Not for the money

is as frank as your everyday drunk husband with lipstick stains on his face saying 'honest honey, she slipped and fell on me cheeks'. MCFC's history boasts of legends like Shaun Goater, Niall Quinn and Robbie Fowler. The biggest challenge they have faced every year is a derby victory. And how do you describe that as a great football club if their season is defined by 2 games, as apposed to what the 38 everyone else plays.

Carlos Tevez, Robinho, Gareth Barry have all left clubs that were regularly challenging in Europe. If they really wanted a new challenge, they should walk around Harlem draped in a Republican flag. And if their motivation was not for the money, then what was it?

Robinho was paid handsomely at Madrid, would have been paid really well at Chelsea, but he joined City instead. Tevez much the same with United, who were ready to break the bank and make him their highest paid player - too much for a guy who gets you 1 goal in 3 games honestly, but a team that was in consecutive Champions League finals (winning once) and back-back-back Premier League Winners was ready to re-write history for you Tevez and you chose an extra 100 grand a week over eternal glory. And Barry was destined for Liverpool, or so we thought last year.

As a United fan, I can't imagine a bigger idiot than Gareth Barry. Or even Tevez for that matter. (This is of course restricted to the world of football. There are bigger idiots who have actually sat through the Titanic and lived to say they enjoyed the dung load!).

It's just a matter of time that Adebayor makes his shift to greener pastures - a move welcomed by most Arsenal fans I am sure (case in point, the brochure they made for him). But there again I can't see why a player will go to Manchester City and not to AC Milan if given the choice.

I guess understanding the minds of these gifted millionaires is beyond us lesser mortals. But if there is one thing we can be damn sure about - we are witnessing a change in the annals of footballing history. We are at a brink of a time where a champions league medal will matter lesser than an extra 150 thousand pounds a week. God bless these morons.

Until then, bring on the beers

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nicely put, gyaniboy. Here's to many more interesting reads in the future.